This is a great website to manage your cellar for free, yes free! It provides you with access to an extensive wine library and offers a mobile format or full html format to view.
OK, back to the wine. I opened it about an hour before the first taste. When I took the initial whiff from the bottle, I knew I would be pleased with the selection.
As with all true full bodied reds, I was careful not to rush this one into the glass and let it relax naturally, slowly massaging oxygen into the wine at a leisurely pace.
The first pour released an abundant nose and fragrances of dark berry, a bit of plum and perhaps a little black cherry. The color was an inky purple that coated the glass like lipstick on a white shirt collar, no escaping this red..... I thought to myself.
As I held is up to the light to look at the color in greater detail, it was if I were looking into a past life. It was dark and unknown in there, but it was going to be fun and not worth missing out by playing it safe.
The legs on this red were almost supernatural, powerful, long... wait long is not the correct word.....lingering, like the first awkward kiss........oops, check that.
The legs lasted for what would seem an eternity, enough said.
The flavor when I drank this was everything I had come to expected from a full bodied red: big, bold, angry, warming, smooth with hint of resistance. The finish was persistent, long and very pronounced.
Robert Parker rated this a 91, and called it a perennial "best buy".
I would have to agree, for $11.99 this is one red to let in and enjoy.
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