Sep 4, 2009

2007 Perrin & Fils Côtes du Rhône Villages

A glass of red wine.  This is what I needed on Sunday night to wind down from a long weekend.  I am sure you have been there before, just a simple glass to relax.  Yes, a glass of red wine is what I needed.. 

I went to the cellar, looked around for something not too big, afterall it was Sunday night.  I found a bottle of  2007 Perrin & Fils Côtes du Rhône Villages.  This would be perfect.
The bottle was opened and set off to the side to unwind as I completed a task or two.  After about a half an hour a glass was poured and I sat down to relax.

It had a great cherry nose and flavor, not too strong, balanced with hints of pepper spice.

The body was medium, the attack was suttle and the finish was crisp.

This wine is about $12.00 a bottle, perfect for an everyday wine when you just want a glass to relax with.
